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Photography and Covid-19 Safety

Photography and Covid-19 Safety – This past year has been extremely different for all of us. As we enter the new year, I wanted to make sure that YOU, my clients, felt safe when booking a session with me. Your safety is top priority to me. I want you to know that I am right…

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Tampa Holiday Family Photoshoot

This season has been really difficult but the one thing that remains constant is our beloved family. -Jenny Cordero Tampa Holiday Family Photoshoot – What’s so special about Dear Grace Photography, LLC and Holiday Family Photoshoots? You don’t have to use them in November for Christmas cards! You absolutely can! But the beauty of our…

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Meet Bailey │ Tampa Branding Photographer

Tampa Branding Photographer – Hello, Tampa! Meet Bailey! She’s a Doula at Buddah Belly. She is super passionate about what she does and truly has a heart for serving women in the Tampa Bay. We have known each other for many years and it’s been beautiful to see her family grow as well as her…

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Tampa Motherhood Sessions │ Dear Megan & Moses

Tampa Motherhood Sessions Tampa Motherhood Sessions are one of my absolute favorite sessions to offer for my clients.  I  really enjoyed this session that was photographed in Lutz, Florida.  There are so many beautiful locations on the out skirts of urban life, just right outside of Tampa.  This one was in my backyard.  It really is…

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tampa lifestyle children’s photographer – dear isabella + caiden

Tampa Lifestyle Children’s Photographer Tampa Lifestyle Children’s Photographer – I recently wrote my kids a short little letter and decided to add it to the video I took on our nature walk.  Take a peek at our homeschooling journey. This video was shown to them later and to say that it touched their hearts is…

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