Category Archives: Dear Isabella & Caiden

Dear Caiden │ Tampa Child Photographer

Dear Caiden, This year in February, you turned five!  It feels like a complete blur as we have had quite the eventful months with you being under the weather.  Now that things are finally settling down, I am able to sit and really soak it all in.  I kept thinking about how I wanted to…

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Tampa Child Photographer │ Dear Isabella + Caiden │ Dear Grace Photography

Dear Isabella + Caiden, It is our second year of homeschooling.  We have started first grade.  I say we…because I feel like I’m starting first grade all over again.  I feel the excitement that you feel, Isabella.  Every time you learn new things and your eyes open-wide; I’m right there with you, baby.  I love…

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Isabella │Tampa Child Portraits

Meet Isabella!  She’s five, going on six!  She’s been asking me every day over the past few weeks when spring will arrive.  She’s excited for change! Spring is right around the corner!  Change is all around us.  The trees are green and our garden is blooming.  There is another change I’ve just noticed!  Isabella has…

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Our Homeschooling Endeavors, Tampa Child Photographer

Dear Isabella, Our Homeschooling Endeavors…yeah, I would have never thought those words would come out of my mouth.  I always pictured myself dropping you off at school (I don’t have anything against this, by the way!), heading home to edit images, shooting a session or meeting with a client over coffee.  It’s funny how things change. For…

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Dear Child Blog Circle │February 2014│Tampa Child Photographer

Dear Isabella, What an amazing past few months it has been.  You have been so eager to learn new things.  And of course I love to teaching you.  We have been homeschooling and you have done so well.  The biggest accomplishment you have achieved in the past few months has been reading.  You are so…

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