Dear Child Blog Circle │ January 2014 │Tampa Child Lifestyle Photographer

Dear Caiden,

I decided to write you a letter this month as so much has happened with you!  You will be turning 3 in just a few weeks and I’m a little overwhelmed.  I think a little part inside of me has this little – tiny- fear that you aren’t so little anymore.  Back at the end of December, you achieved a huge milestone of potty training.  I was so excited for you.  But with the busy holiday season, I never got to soak it in.  It didn’t hit me until after everything slowed down; I went up to your daddy and cried a good cry.  I love that you are getting big but as you say, “I’m gonna miss you” running around in diapers.  I am pretty lucky to be the one watching you run around in your superhero underpants, though!  Aside from that, you’ve been stalling your bedtime and naptime quite often.  You love being tucked in and sometimes you just want me to lay next to you and cuddle.  I’m learning to embrace those moments because after a long day, I feel tired just crawling over to your bottom bunk.  Thank you for teaching me to appreciate every second with you.  Thank you for coming up to me when I’m distracted with cleaning the kitchen and asking me to hold you.  I’m learning to stop everything I do to soak in a little of you.  I love you so much!



For another sweet letter, please follow the Dear Child Blog Circle to Jenneffer’s letter HERE!

Dear Child Blog Circle │ Tampa Child Lifestyle Photographer

       Tampa Child Lifestyle Photographer

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  • AlisonJanuary 20, 2014 - 1:53 pm

    Jenny, I teared up with your letter. You have a seriously adorable little guy there. Oh, and those images are just gorgeous. I love the light streaming in over the couch. Don’t blink, because you wont have a toddler for long.ReplyCancel

  • Jenne VazquezJanuary 22, 2014 - 12:44 am

    Oh Jenny, what a sweet letter. I can relate how it feels to be so excited about something and then realizing how much you miss them doing or having the baby things later. I feel like your mama heart is so strong yet so tender and I’m so happy to be on this journey of intentional parenting, homeschooling and just living together as women, photographers, mothers and friends. xo!ReplyCancel