Dear Isabella,
Our Homeschooling Endeavors…yeah, I would have never thought those words would come out of my mouth. I always pictured myself dropping you off at school (I don’t have anything against this, by the way!), heading home to edit images, shooting a session or meeting with a client over coffee. It’s funny how things change.
For the past few years, I’ve been going back and forth with what I would do when you started school. I really did not even consider homeschooling as an option for you until you were about to turn two. At that time, I began teaching you a bit more formally. I mean, I did what I could for a spunky little two-year old. I’ve loved being your teacher. Every time you learn something new, I’m driven to work harder for you. This Fall, we will continue our endeavors as you start Kindergarten. It makes my heart flutter a bit thinking about the things we will get into.
With that being said, the idea of being a Work at Home Mom is starting to mean something different to me. It’s exciting. And I know it will be a lot of work. I will be very busy making sure that you and Caiden are learning as we go about our little adventures. It’s a new and good season that we are entering in. I am so excited to be a part of this milestone.