Category Archives: Personal

Happy Birthday, Isabella │Outdoor Tampa Family Photographer

Dear Isabella, You turned 8 on April 29th!  I’m a little late on writing you this letter because I’ve been soaking it all in.  You are an incredible little girl.  You finished 2nd grade and you are super excited about being a 3rd grader.  I am so proud of you, sweet girl.  There are two…

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Dear Isabella │Tampa Children’s Photographer

Dear Isabella, A few weeks ago, you decided that it was time to cut your hair.  We had some pretty tough battles with getting your hair done some mornings.  You’ve become so independent these days.  One day, you mentioned to me that you thought it might be best to get your hair cut short.  You…

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  • Kim MillerMay 23, 2017 - 12:13 pm

    Beautiful cut and beautiful girl!ReplyCancel

  • BethMay 23, 2017 - 1:11 pm

    She is precious! Love how you captured this milestone. Her pose says it all – still little, but so grown up 🙂ReplyCancel

Cheval Child Photographer │ Dear Isabella & Caiden

Dear Isabella & Caiden, Our homeschooling morning routines have been such a blessing to our family. We start our morning with breakfast.  Isabella, you have been so excited to learn how to prepare your own breakfast meals.  We are starting simple by preparing yourself a bowl of cereal.  Pouring your milk has taken a bit…

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Dear Caiden │ Tampa Child Photographer

Dear Caiden, This year in February, you turned five!  It feels like a complete blur as we have had quite the eventful months with you being under the weather.  Now that things are finally settling down, I am able to sit and really soak it all in.  I kept thinking about how I wanted to…

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Tampa Covenant Church│Baptisms

Every so often, I get to be a witness of an outward profession of faith.  It was beautiful to see that even though these kids were young, the Holy Spirit has been working in their lives.  I’m so glad I could be there as a witness. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them…

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